* (A Good Low–Range Meter For Your Shelter)
CD V–700 low–range Geiger–Muller survey meter.*
- CD V–715 high range ion chamber survey meter.
- CD V–717 high–range, detachable ion chamber survey meter.
- CD V–750 direct–reading dosimeter charger.
- CD V–742 high–range 0–200 R directing–reading dosimeter.
The Inspector EXP:
"My How Far Have We Fallen! Reading many technical and non-technical publications, including those from the Civil Defense days of the 50s, 60s and 70s, it is clear that most of the current responders are in the dark concerning what is safe and what is not safe in terms of radiations from a nuclear blast and its fallout! "We must resolve now, gentlemen, to be able to save our lives first so we can save our families next; then, if things permit, because of the apocalypse to save American citizens with resolve to continue in a free nation, which our own government has just about taken away from every citizen here! "In regard to the new responders, fireman, policemen, and radiation monitors, it appears as if something directly out of hell has perverted the minds of health physicists, such that the new responders are responding as if the radiation findings of the 50s, 60s and 70s that came from atomic bomb tests, from radiation accidents and from the atomic bomb blasts in Japan, were set too low and one can experience more than that and not have health hazards. Or, the limits are set too low, and they use extremely sensitive equipment that is intended to detect clandestine nuclear materials, which will generate Panic in the event of a nuclear incident. "And Panic is generated from Fear, such that the people will not understand the dangers and hence, not take the appropriate measures and actions for protection! "When the first blast arrives on American territorities, it looks as if the Perverse Spirit has arranged it so in the minds that can be controlled, by having all this learned knowledge of the early Civil Defense Days forgotten. And, with what is now being taught, we will see our fireman and policemen, nationwide, go down! Then, we are at the mercy of evil souls everywhere looking for an opportunity. "It is something planned 'Straight Out of Hell!'
"Most of the citizen shelters that were once for nuclear weapons blasts and fallout are gone and forgotten by America's citizenry. Schools no longer teach students to get under something, such as chairs, desk, etc., and fold their arms and hands over their heads to avoid the flying glass from the windows and things being blown about. All that is gone. A shelter in Washington, D.C., for congressmen has been long since turned into a museum. Their mindsets have forgotten, if they ever knew it, what to do in such an emergency. They, and many, many scientists, have been influenced by ideas like 'There Is No Safe Dose of Radiation,' and 'Mutually Assured Destruction'; therefore, there is nothing one can do. They and their constituents have become like sheep, ready to be led in case of an emergency. "Allen Brodsky, Sc.d., Chp, CIH, Dipl.ABR, Health/Radiological Physicist, writing in his book, Actions For Survival, Says:'The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with its new generation of emergency experts, has been attempting to prepare the general public appropriately, but has not brought to bear much of the actual experience with training needs for responders, or educational needs for the public, to adequately avoid unnecessary fears of small amounts of radiation exposure. Neither is the DHS adequately recommending or promoting the kinds of instruments and protection against the possible large exposures to a minority (but large numbers) of civilians in the event of an attack with nuclear weapon or radioactivity dispersing device (RDD) sometimes called a 'Radiological dispersal device.'"'What caused this increasing apathy?' he asked. "Hard to believe, but well–intentioned antinuclear activists in the fifties led opposition to Civil Defense efforts. They believed their way of saving lives and getting rid of war and reducing our stocks of nukes would tell the Soviets that we wanted peace. If we did not stop the testing of nuclear bombs and stand against wars, etc, then the Soviets would believe that America wanted to start a war with the peaceful loving Soviets, destroying them all! "This type of thinking is akin to some peoples' reasoning for not having fire insurance; if you buy fire insurance, it means you will probably burn down your home! "It appears, according Dr. Brodsky's thoughts, sentiment for shutting down Civil Defense preparations began with this movie, which left the impression, misleading as it was, that life on the world would end from radiation exposure—if nuclear war came. The media misrepresented this idea too, such scientists, schools, colleges, and people who later became congressmen or senators, were influenced by the movie in their youth and hence, we are reaping their beliefs from the misrepresentation of, 'On The Beach' that appeared in the 1950s! From this spread many myths about radiation!
"From this movie, this misleading impression—all peoples in the world would die from radiation exposure—spread like 'wildfire' by the press, radio, talk shows, etc., the radiation from nuclear war would kill everything! However, what was not brought out, even by the scientists who went on talk shows, media, and elsewhere, that life, as we know it, would be over because the widespread contamination would devastate our present way of life; but, more people would survive and live to a ripe old age! It would just be a different kind of life.
"Because the media pushed this propaganda, along with the 'AntiNuclear Activists,' apathy increased about personal Civil Defense and how to protect oneself. During the mid–1990s, radiological equipment of the Federal government was destroyed and everyone assumed that this was a benefit of the Cold War's end! Many, like Brodsky and Dr. Marlow Strangler, and others visited Washington but could do nothing to stop this destruction. The CD V–700 Geiger Counters and its cousins went into storage closets and then onto ebay, as museum pieces, coffee table top conversation pieces for discussions, etc.
"Then, after September 11, 2001, suddenly the government remembered its citizens and gave a little thought to Civil Defense. But, with this came a new mindset, probably from the movie, as the new scientists had grown up with this media misrepresentation of radiation, and it affected their thinking, their teaching in universities, to the government agencies they served, etc. The same thing happened with those going into law; then, becoming congressmen and senators—they carried all these misrepresentations and myths with them into their adult lives and professions. "All the gathered knowledge from the 50s, 60s and 70s, appears to have been forsaken by them and their ilk! The new idea: There Are No Safe Levels of Radiation! How do they answer this when potassium 40 is radioactive, the most common potassium in the human body that accounts for radioactive clicks on a proper meter measuring this; or, in many of the nuts one eats, as well as various bananas, a fruit. And, all this, radionuclides, coming from various areas of the world that food is grown on. We have grown up with it as mankind for 6 to 7 thousand years while on planet earth. "By having a personal dosimeter that you 'stick,' 'pin' to your blouse, shirt, outer coat, etc., can do much to allay fears of receiving too much radiation during a radiological emergency. "This is a 'RadSticker' ; or, a Dosimeter Pin like a writing pen clipped to one's front pocket, a hand–held dosimeter, etc. "This tells one immediately if he has received too much (absorbed) radiation or what the level of RAD (absorbed dose) is. This dispells much panic immediately, especially if one is so frightened, and Panic can do this, one becomes nauseated and vomits. All that person has to do—or another, if present and has knowledge, is to simply point out the level of absorbed dose on the dosimeter and dispell the panic!" "It is important to keep in mind, when this goes down, have 'At The Ready' the things I have been and will be discussing, such as Wrap around goggles with elastic band, a shower cap, some type of hat, respirator mask, rubber gloves, whisk broom, dust pan, boots, long raincoat, duct tape, dosimeters, and Geiger counter, such as the Inspector XP. You cannot take in friends and neighbors, as you cannot store that much food and water. Store at least a gallon a day per individual per family member! "Those few survivors of a massive radiological attack will be those who know how to decontaminate self and be their own first responder! And, provide for their own immediate first aid. Therefore, have a colloidal silver generator, 6 to 12 inches of pure silver (99.999% pure silver—not sterling silver), antibiotics, silvadene, bandages, gauze, iodine, etc. "As a first responder, in the initial moments after a radiological attack, you must know and understand how to protect your family and yourself, within the first few critical seconds going into minutes....to hours...and the weeks following such an attack. If not, the Panic will be horrendous and do you and yours in! Medical facilities, if still up, will be flooded such that doors will be closed to new arrivals. It will be sheer Pandemonium and Chaos! "Keep this in the forefront of your mind, as you prepare, there are not enough responders in America to get to you! You will have to be your own. There are not that many policemen, fireman, medical personal, etc., to be there at your side in a matter of moments. Most will never arrive as the streets will be filled with downed buildings, debris, disarray of vehicles, dead, dying, piled with human carnage. Most will die doing their duty, unless they have a very sharp captain, who knows what you are now learning!
- A Worsening Crisis Has Been Occurring! You Were Aware Of The Signs!
- ElectroMagnetic Pulse Bombs Must Have Gone Off 100 to 300 miles Above America! And, This Will Affect All North America....
- All The Electricity Has Been Destroyed, Because Anything Dealing With Circuit Boards, Electricity, Etc. Have Been Damaged, Except only those Military Installations That Have Been Hardened!
- Suddenly...You Realized You Thought You Hear A Roaring Sound In The Distance, Then...
- The Earth Starts Trembling...You realize quickly, There Has Been A Surface Nuclear Blast On The Earth Within 30 to 60 miles of 25 to 30 megatonnage!
"Learn one system and stick with it! Make sure your meter is set in those units that you know and understand—and know what is Safe and What is Dangerous in those units!
And, as given, rounding up or down; then, the Law or Axiom, which is a general statement which is assumed to be true: Ax. 1 Quantities which are equal to the same quantity or to equal quantities are equal to each other. It follows, Thus, if x + y = z and y = m, then x + m = z! Dr. Brodsky, in his book Actions for Survival, has this to say:
- 1 R = 0.88 Rem; rounding off upward: 1 R = 1 Rem
- 1 Rad = approximately 1 Rem: 1 Rad = 1 Rem
- 100 Rad = 1 Gray (Gy): 1 Rad = 0.01 Gy, and
- 1 Sievert (Sv) = 100 Rems: 1 Rem = 0.01 Sv.
"For only one example, gamma radiation begins to cause some health effects at a dose of 1 Sievert = 100 rem. If a responder familiar with much of the available radiation measuring equipment mistakenly, under emergency conditions, interprets a reading of 6—on an instrument to be read in the newer SI exposure units of coulombs per kilogram— incorrectly as only 6 R or 6 rem, he could exposure (sic) himself to a lethal dose of radiation (up to about 3,800 rem) during a rescue. If the instrument was supposed to be read in Sv and the reading was 25, an incorrect interpretation would allow a 2,500 rem lethal dose.""Gentlemen," Dr. "B" addressed the group, "This DEMANDS you be your own first responder! And, as such, you must know your meters, what readings are dangerous and what readings are safe, and what can be tolerated for a few minutes outside the shelter; then, back in and allow the body to detox itself and build and repair. However, if you are caught out there according to the table from FEMA I gave you, when Fallout is first coming down in 'cascades,' or in the blast near ground zero, the radiation will overcome the body's ability to heal and repair! "Remember all that I have tried to impart to you to Stay Alive and Well! Know the Table; the conversion units; and, be on Real Saturated Fat! The double bonds of the Omegas, Vegetable Oils, Krill Oil, Flax Seed & Borage Oils Are Easily Attacked By Ionizing Radiation, Forming Free Radicals Moving Around Under Terrific Force Doing Auto–Oxidation Generating More & More, As The Subject Literally Comes Apart!"
"The radiations we have discussed," Dr. "B" said, alpha, beta, and gamma are called ionizing radiations. Radiation interacts with matter, generating ions, positive or negative, which can and do change molecullar, cellular, and tissue structure and function. Even saturated fat can have radiations creating ions; however, the fragile unsaturated fats respond very quickly to radiations. "Therefore, being on real saturated fat, may give you just enough time to, seconds to minutes, to dive for cover . . . if you note your . . . because you prepared your mindset, and physically for the things needed . . . Personal Dosimeter Badge is beginning to go to a deeper color. "You have bought more time for your body to rebuild and repair damage from incoming ionizing radiations when there is a worsening crisis! But, you have to be alert!" Dr. "B" then discussed a complex subject, neutrons: a fourth type of radiation from the nucleus.
- Radiation particles and energy do interact with and affect surrounding atoms. Just as a bullet will affect a board it strikes, radiation particles and energy will strike and perhaps change atoms in their path.
- The distance that radiation and energy will travel depends on the energy of the particle or gamma ray when it is emitted and on the frequency with which it interacts with the atoms along its path. For particulate radiation this frequency, as a rule of thumb, depends on the size of the radiation particle. For example, the heavy alpha particle will usually not penetrate an ordinary sheet of paper, but to stop the much lighter beta particle will require a sheet of aluminum. Gamma radiation, naving no mass, can be stopped only by thick sheets of lead or concrete. —adapted from 'Radiation Monitoring'; U. S. Atomic Energy Commission / Division of Technical Information.
Suddenly, he recovered himself, then, amazingly launched—as if nothing happened— right where he left off:
Saying, we must know how to find the distances between points on the surface of the earth. Since we know from Geometry that the shortest distance on the surface of a sphere between any two points on that surface is the arc, not greater than a semicircumference, of the great circle that joins them, it is evident that the shortest distance between two places on the earth is measured in the same way. Thus, in the figure, the shortest distance between Boston and Cape Town is measured on BN and CN. From this we learned how to set up the problem, solve it; and Dr. "B" lectured and lectured and taught and taught, and we learned, did, and performed!Find the shortest distance in statute miles (taking the diameter of the earth as 7912 mi.) between Boston (lat. 42° 21' N., long 71° 4' W.) and Greenwich (lat. 31° 29' N.), and the bearing of each place from the other. Ans.
- Distance = 3275 mi.,
- N. 53° 7' E. = bearing of Greenwich from Boston,
- N. 71° 39' W. = bearing of Boston From Greenwich.
Superoxide AnionO2- |
Produced by the electron transport chain and at other sites. Generates other reactive oxygen species but cannot diffuse far from the site of origin. |
Hydrogen PeroxideH2O2 |
Not a free radical, but can generate free radicals by reaction with a transition metal (e.g., iron: Fe2+). Can diffuse into and through cell membranes. |
Hydroxyl RadicalOH. |
The most reactive species in attacking biological molecules. Produced by water in the presence of iron (Fe2+). |
Organic RadicalsR. |
An organic free radical produced from RH (Polyunsaturated Lipid) by OH. attack. RH can be the carbon of a double bond in a fatty acid (resulting in -C.=C-) or RSH (organic thiol) (resulting in R-S.) |
Organic Peroxide
An organic peroxide radical, such as occurs during lipid degradation. |
Hypochlorous Acid
Produced in bacteria during the respiratory burst to destroy invading organisms. |
Singlet Oxygen |
Oxygen with antiparallel spins. Produced at high oxygen tensions from the absorption of energy. Decays with the release of light. |